Tuesday, 10 April 2012

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Systrom and Zuckerberg want to retain the Instagram experience

Facebook has made quite a lengthy list of acquisitions over the past few years, purchasing companies, like Beluga, Snaptu, FriendFeed and a host of others. In what appears to be the biggest Internet initial public offering, so far, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has posted on his Facebook page that their company has acquired Instagram for a stock and cash deal estimated at about $1 billion. However, many Instagram users have voiced their opinions on Instagram through pictures and comments claiming that Instagram was different from Facebook merely because it was different from Facebook. However the doubts of Instagram users stem from the fact that Instagram provided a sense of anonymity, as well as privacy. One Instagram user has taken to Twitter and voiced her concern by stating, “@instagram great there goes that app. I hate Facebook and the lack of privacy now I have to remove my pics before I can't
What does this move spell for Instagram users?
What does this move spell for Instagram users?

However, Kevin Systrom, CEO of Instagram, speaking on the acquisition and addressing users by reinstating the fact that it would enhance the experience rather than make it go away altogether.  He stated, "The Instagram app will still be the same one you know and love. You’ll still have all the same people you follow and that follow you." However, one still does not know for certain as yet what features and how closely knit Facebook will be with Instagram.

As per a report by CNET, Ryan Calo, a privacy researcher at Stanford University's Center for Internet and Society, has said, “The larger issue to me is that Facebook is adding Instagram data to its own. Instagram users thought they were signing up for a simple service, of relatively little utility to advertisers or government. Now that data is likely to be combined with an entire social graph. I picture the consumer happily paddling down a data rivulet only to find themselves suddenly on the open waters of the social sea." The report goes on to state, "Instagram's current policies  are privacy-protective: the company pledges not to "disclose personally-identifying information" except to employees, contractors, and so on. But in what one privacy lawyer told CNET was a glaring oversight, the privacy policy doesn't actually spell out what happens in an acquisition."
In his announcement, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had foreseen these concerns and stated that Facebook believes that these are different experiences that can complement each other. He goes on to state that in order to do this well, Facebook needs to be aware about retaining as well as enhancing the strengths of Instagram strengths, instead of merely trying to integrate everything into Facebook. 

Let us know your reactions regarding Facebook purchasing Instagram and do you think that this will change the Instagram experience, which is being cherished by users worldwide?


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