Tuesday, 24 April 2012

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Windows 8 Release Preview coming in June

The most talked about operating system this year has to be Microsoft’s Windows 8. It’s big for a number of reasons - it’s going to be available for desktops as well as tablets. Last year, Microsoft released an early Windows 8 Developer Preview in September. It showed the basic framework of the platform and things finally started taking shape in January. In February, soon after CES 2012, Microsoft released a more public and more complete, Consumer Preview. This preview build had better implementation of the Metro user interface and with many of the bugs ironed out. AllThingsD is reporting that a new release is coming out in the first week of June. The announcement was made by Microsoft’s Windows President, Steven Sinofsky at a developers event in Japan. This release preview as it’s called will be very close to the final release.
A new window opened?
Another Windows 8 build to play with soon

Microsoft hasn’t confirmed the dates or month, but Windows 8 is expected to launch sometime in October, just like other previous Windows releases. Windows 8 will come in a number of formats each designed for different hardware. While Windows 8 will run on x86 architecture, there’s also an ARM build on the way. Intel too has been gearing up hardware for the big release along with its PC partners who’ll be building tablets based on the new Medfield platform. 

The launch of Windows 8 is going to be a big move for both, Microsoft and Intel. Microsoft’s Windows 7 tablets haven’t been popular in the market as compared to the dominant Apple iPad and a number of other Android powered devices. Intel too hasn’t had a solid platform to take on the might of the ARM architecture tablets that make up almost all of the tablet market. Microsoft’s Windows 8 includes a new Metro interface that is designed to work with touchscreen devices. The release preview should be the last build to be made available to consumers before the product goes into final testing and the bugs are ironed out. A large number of desktops, notebooks and tablets are expected to launch soon after Windows 8 is officially released.


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